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This FAQ section should provide valuable information for your home recording so that you are able to deliver your tracks in state-of-the-art quality for every project independently from if you work with me or anybody else in the music business.

  • What is Editing?
    Editing is the process that takes part after you recorded your tracks. Dependent on the genre and other factors there might be more or less editing necessary to get the source material in a mix ready condition for the specific genre. While an indie band might need no or just very little editing, fast and technical metal has to be as tight as possible most of the time to be able to compete with other bands in the genre. Editing includes choosing the best performance and comping takes, tuning of performances, enhancing performances by time align them to the beat.
  • What is Reamping?
    While in the early times of recording you had to commit every sound in the recording session nowadays thanks to modern technology it is possible to make decisions like amp or synth sound later in the production. In terms of guitar and bass recording this is achieved by capturing the DI, the unaffected signal of the pickups. In the process of reamping the pickup signal is sent through an amp or amp sim to get the sound you want. This has the advantage that you are able to choose what sound fits the production best without the stress and expenses you have while you are recording in the studio. This is especially nice for the home recording musician as he is able to record at home and get crushing sounds afterwards without any stress and at a much lower cost.
  • What is Mixing?
    In the mixing stage all your raw tracks are melted together. The mix engineer uses tools like EQ, compression, saturation, automation and spatial effects to give your recording a cohesive, competitive and three-dimensional sound.
  • What is Mastering?
    While mixing focuses on every single element of the mix, mastering focuses on the big picture of the whole song or record. Mastering takes care of the loudness of your tracks and that the playback sounds good on nearly any device. This process also takes care of that all songs on your record sound cohesive so that your record sounds like a record and not like a bunch of songs which were just randomly put together.
  • In which format should I record and deliver my files?
    Wave files with 44.1 KHz sample rate and 24 bit are absolutely sufficient for mixing & mastering.
  • How should I deliver my mix if I want you to master it?
    Please deliver it in wave format and without a limiter on the stereo output. Please take care that your mix does not peak above 0 dbFS because otherwise you will have digital clipping which I can not fix.
  • Is there a naming convention I can use for my files?
    A good naming pattern is super important to enable your mixing engineer to work efficient and with a good creative vibe for your material. If he has to find out what the heck 'Marko_1' is at first then there will be much less creative energy he can put into your music. You can download a naming pattern I use myself ofton here.
  • How should I export the files from my recording project?
    Please export in 44.1 KHz and 24 bit. Always export from beat 1 to the end of the song.
  • How should I provide the time signature & tempo information of my track?
    If your track is a straight 4/4 beat with a constant tempo it is absolutely fine to just leave a note like e. g. 4/4 132 bpm. If your track has various time signatures and changes the tempo within the song please provide a midi tempo map.
  • Is there a general guideline for working with you?
    Yes! Just download the Mixing Requirements Guide! If you have any additional questions feel free to contact me.
  • What is Editing?
    Editing is the process that takes part after you recorded your tracks. Dependent on the genre and other factors there might be more or less editing necessary to get the source material in a mix ready condition for the specific genre. While an indie band might need no or just very little editing, fast and technical metal has to be as tight as possible most of the time to be able to compete with other bands in the genre. Editing includes choosing the best performance and comping takes, tuning of performances, enhancing performances by time align them to the beat.
  • What is Reamping?
    While in the early times of recording you had to commit every sound in the recording session nowadays thanks to modern technology it is possible to make decisions like amp or synth sound later in the production. In terms of guitar and bass recording this is achieved by capturing the DI, the unaffected signal of the pickups. In the process of reamping the pickup signal is sent through an amp or amp sim to get the sound you want. This has the advantage that you are able to choose what sound fits the production best without the stress and expenses you have while you are recording in the studio. This is especially nice for the home recording musician as he is able to record at home and get crushing sounds afterwards without any stress and at a much lower cost.
  • What is Mixing?
    In the mixing stage all your raw tracks are melted together. The mix engineer uses tools like EQ, compression, saturation, automation and spatial effects to give your recording a cohesive, competitive and three-dimensional sound.
  • What is Mastering?
    While mixing focuses on every single element of the mix, mastering focuses on the big picture of the whole song or record. Mastering takes care of the loudness of your tracks and that the playback sounds good on nearly any device. This process also takes care of that all songs on your record sound cohesive so that your record sounds like a record and not like a bunch of songs which were just randomly put together.
  • In which format should I record and deliver my files?
    Wave files with 44.1 KHz sample rate and 24 bit are absolutely sufficient for mixing & mastering.
  • How should I deliver my mix if I want you to master it?
    Please deliver it in wave format and without a limiter on the stereo output. Please take care that your mix does not peak above 0 dbFS because otherwise you will have digital clipping which I can not fix.
  • Is there a naming convention I can use for my files?
    A good naming pattern is super important to enable your mixing engineer to work efficient and with a good creative vibe for your material. If he has to find out what the heck 'Marko_1' is at first then there will be much less creative energy he can put into your music. You can download a naming pattern I use myself ofton here.
  • How should I export the files from my recording project?
    Please export in 44.1 KHz and 24 bit. Always export from beat 1 to the end of the song.
  • How should I provide the time signature & tempo information of my track?
    If your track is a straight 4/4 beat with a constant tempo it is absolutely fine to just leave a note like e. g. 4/4 132 bpm. If your track has various time signatures and changes the tempo within the song please provide a midi tempo map.
  • Is there a general guideline for working with you?
    Yes! Just download the Mixing Requirements Guide! If you have any additional questions feel free to contact me.
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